Wednesday 25 March 2015

The Facade

the facade
Yes, the feeling is worse than you can ever imagine yet I wonder how my faint heart could stand this!

As I stepped out of the cave with my eyes shut, and body drenched in the blood of my brothers now bones, I wondered if there could be any experience worse than this. It happened so fast that all I can remember are the last words we shared while we feasted in the wake of the night. If the stories are real, then I can say I have just experienced a redefinition of the word “real”.

The deep stormy voice re-echoes in my head and the quick but unwholesome site seem too fresh to let go. It started from a simple “hide and seek” and now I have tasted the blood of my brothers. From the number twelve, we grew to eight and it all seemed part of the game; but we were too drunk to remember that Fredrick is the fellow who never keeps still, even when he’s all sane let alone when he is drunk. And when our number yet grew to four we became wise in our foolishness as we sought the brothers that absconded, but then, who gives drugs to the lifeless with the intention of reviving such?

As I brought out my torchlight from my pocket, only my heart can explain what the sight felt like. I discovered I was in the forest of a thousand demons, but this time I was walking on the bones and body parts of my brothers. What followed was the showers of blood that drizzled on me. As I opened my eyes, there was my mum and brothers with gifts in their hands singing
“happy birthday to you…”
I still can’t believe it was all a façade…


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