YAKUBU (Ya-ku-bu)v. Ya*ku*bu, Ya*ku*bu*ed, Ya*ku*bus
1. To utterly squander once-in-a-lifetime opportunities, especially one that will cause pain to/mourning among millions of people
2. To mistake a platter of gold for a potty, and to go ahead and defecate all over it, while millions watch in distress, dread and disbelief
3. To be presented with an open door of success and to woefully fail to step in
4. To lack the zest, fervor, and drive to complete the easiest of tasks
5. To fail awfully at a very easy and uncomplicated task
(Etymology: Derived from Yakubu Aiyegbeni’s horribly missed opportunities during Nigeria’s lackluster performance against South Korea at the 2010 Soccer World Cup)
“Mrs. Counselor, I am terribly pained! It was our wedding night! I was ready. . .But. . . But. . .He didn’t know what to do! I tried to help, but he Yakubu’ed!”
“All she needed to do was show up and get the job that was waiting for her – Guess what? She Yakubu’ed the opportunity.
”Prayer: “Father, may I not Yakubu any door You open in life in Jesus name!!!
“Example of the pain/mourning referenced in #1 above: “Yakubu! My unborn child won’t forgive him”
(Source: Acidosis)Synonyms:
1. Waste foolishly
2. Fritter away
3. Dissipate casually
4. Lose effortlessly
OTHER MEANINGS AND DERIVATIVES YAKUBUOLOGY (Ya-ku-bu-o-lo-gy)n. Ya*ku*bu*o*lo*gy
A situation where family demons travel long distance (no visa required) with a person, wait for that individual’s moment of glory, and strike that person with a persistent lack of common sense.
Usage: “That man Yakubus from time to time. That’s why nothing works for him!
Look out for new words like Orubebetitis, Jegaquin, Buharied, etc
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