Wednesday 15 April 2015

Finding the Uniqueness in you

A confident woman is an attractive one, but the road to embracing every facet of your personality can be a tricky process. As you identify and nurture the traits that make you the unique and wonderful person you are, beware certain traits that when left unbridled can give off the wrong impression.

Every woman should be proud of her character, but not so much so that she’s blinded to its flipside. To guide your quest for self-acceptance and love in a direction that will land you the romantic fulfillment you seek, here are three Dating with Dignity tips on how to express your most dominant traits in a positive way.

Honest v. Tactless

Your friends may love that they can always count on you for an honest opinion, whether around their questionable new hair style or relationship choices, and honest communication is without a doubt an essential part of a healthy relationship. But there are situations where honesty is not the best policy and crosses the line into insensitivity.

When confronted with a situation where you’re required or feel compelled to share your opinion, take a beat and think through whether the cold, hard truth will benefit the circumstances or effectively alienate the other person. Even if honesty is warranted, there is almost always a way to express it in a thoughtful manner.

Smart v. Condescending

It kills me to hear from women who feel they’ve had to dumb down themselves to make themselves more attractive to men. Intelligence happens to be a very appealing quality to men of quality and should never be watered down. If you’re insecure about your brains, you may be inadvertently expressing them in a way that makes others feel inferior. Constantly correcting, attempting to prove a point, or spewing out unnecessary facts can be especially emasculating for men you date. Just relax and be yourself. As a man gets to know you for the kind, caring, and charismatic person you are, your intelligence will reveal itself naturally.

Independent cs. Cold

You’re successful, driven, able to change the tires on your car, and constantly told you don’t need a man to make you happy. I get it. Despite how autonomous you may be, acting as though you don’t need physical or emotional support from anyone can give off an icy impression. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being driven and capable, but it’s important not only to make time for someone else in your life but also space for them to help you. It may feel unnatural to you at first, but let your man fix your air conditioning or give you advice on how to handle a tough situation at work will soften your edges and make him feel needed. Just remember that no matter how much he admires your success and independence (because the right man will), every man wants to feel needed.


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