Friday 20 March 2015

JOKES CORNER: Expensive Executive Joke

Once in a conference, three scientist: an American, a German and a Nigerian, were talking and bragging about the technological advances their representative countries have achieved in the field of medicine.

Says the American, "In Washington, there was a baby boy born  without forearms, so we attached artificial forearms on him. And now that he is grown, he has become an Olympic professional boxer  and a gold medalist at that."

The German replied, That's nothing to what we have done back in Berlin, there was a baby girl born without legs on her, she is 3  times marathon gold medalist in the Olympics!!"

The Nigerian interjected laughingly, "Is that all you have, just gold medalist? In Ogun State, we have a baby born without a head! We attached a coconut to the neck and he was twice the president"


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